Sunday, February 19, 2012

Job Hunting

            I don't know what's more stressful, trying to pass my finals or looking for a job.  It's
funny when I had a job, I wish I didn't have one.  Now that I'm unemployed, I wish I had a job. 
Back when I was working, I hated my job with a fiery passion.  I dreaded going to work.  But at
least I had a job.  Now that I'm unemployed, I miss having a job.  A job that you hate is still a
            It seems like there aren't that many jobs out there.  The fact that I'm currently going to
school four days out of the week hurts my chances.  A lot of employers wants someone with full
availability.  But fat chance of that happening.  It seems a lot of people are going to school these
days.  I'm going to school so I won't have to spend the rest of my life going from part time job to
part time job.
            I've been looking for a job for two years now.  It angers me when people find out how
long I've been unemployed and give me that rude pause.  It makes my blood boil when they give
that polite yet condescending 'Oohh.'  Some people don't mean it that way, I know.  But other
people need to quit being judgmental.  I am going to school.  I am trying to find a job.  It's not
like I'm spending every waking moment sitting on my butt playing video games.
            Another thing that makes me angry is rude employers.  I've lost track of how many
interviews ended with 'We'll call you and let you know our decision.'  Anyone care to take a
guess how that ended up?  Yes I understand it's hard to get back to all the applicants.  But even a
quick phone call that says 'You didn't get the job,' would be more polite than no call at all.
            I can see how my availability could pose a problem.  Yes, with the holidays coming up,
employers need someone who can be available 24\7.  But think about it.  Most job applicants are
in their 20s.  If they apply for a job and have open availability, it means they aren't in school. 
And more than likely, have no job experience.  But hey, if you'd rather hire that person that
somone like me who has plenty of job experience, but limited availability due to a reasonable
reason, by all means.  Get back to me and let me know that turned out for you.
            Yes I know I'm coming across as cynical.  But I've  been looking for a job for quite some
time.  I've grown tired of being blown off.  I'm tired of employers expecting me to drop out of
school for some meager part time job that will pay me minimum wage with minimum hours.  I'm
going to school to prevent this.  I've come too far in my education to quit.  If I do drop out, I
would've wasted all that time and money I've invested for a job that will more than likely make
me miserable.  I've spent five years in a job that made me beyond miserable. If it's all the same,
I'd like to avoid that.

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