Wednesday, October 31, 2012


          I have many favorite holidays.  Christmas, 4th of July, Easter, and of course Halloween.  When I was a kid, I had so much fun.  Even though I didn't always dress up, I still had fun.  I would help out my brother, Aaron, and my sister, Sam, help pick out their costumes.  My brother and I would act as bodyguards for our sister that night as we escorted her out trick or treating.  I was a picky eater, so instead of eating my candy, I'd give my haul to them earning lots of bonus points with them.

            Horror movies were also a mandatory Halloween staple.  .  Back when I was a kid, my parents were really strict on what movies I could watch.  Watching PG-13 horror movies seemed to ruin my Horror movie experience.  I remember watching Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' on MTV.  The scene where he turned into a werewolf scared me, but being scared by that scene became a tradition. 

            As I got older, my choices in Halloween movies increased.  After finally being able to watch R-rated movies, I would watch as many scary movies as I could.  I would surf the cable channels looking for the goriest, scary movies I could find.  Of course as soon as I found one, the doorbell would ring signaling trick or treaters.

            As an adult, I can still have fun on this holiday.  Of course with work and school, I don't have as much free time as I did when I was a kid.  A lot of people my age go out to the clubs and bars.  I'm not much of a drinker so I prefer to either stay home or go to a friend's house.  Adult or a kid, there's just something about Halloween that's intoxicating.  It's hard to describe.  

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