Sunday, March 25, 2012

Whitney Houston's Death

Don't get me wrong.  I'm sad that Whitney Houston died.  But the press coverage is driving me nuts.  Recently the press released a statement saying she died by 'drowning in a bathtub.'  But the statement also revealed she had drugs in her system.  So technically wouldn't that mean she died of an overdose?  If she was sober and she had an accident and drowned, that's one thing.  But if she did drugs, and then drowned, that's something else entirely.

I'm not trying to insult Whitney.  I was raised to respect people, even after they die.  But let's be honest.  Whitney was a drug addict.  Trust me, people have called her worse.  I understand that the feelings of her friends and family have to be taken into consideration.  But avoiding the topic altogether, to me, seems like it's more insulting.

A lot of people have insulted her over the years.  And now that she died, they try to over-compensate.  They call her a 'music goddess.'  Or they claim to be her biggest fans.  It's pretty cruel to insult someone over the years, but after they die, THEN show that person respect.  If you're going to respect someone, I mean really respect them, then you should do it all the time.

I never considered myself a fan of Whitney Houston.  In my opinion, yes she was a drug addict.  But I never called her a 'crack whore, 'junkie,' druggie.'  I never bought any of her CDs.  I never once claimed to be one of her 'biggest fans.'  I was surprised and saddened by her death.  Just because I wasn't one of Whitney Houston's fans, doesn't mean I'm going to insult her.  Nor am I going to pretend to be something I'm not.

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